How to build a brand of polish producer of mineral aggregates on example of Lusatian Basalt Mine "Księginki" JSC in Lubań
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Politechnika Wrocławska, Instytut Górnictwa
Corresponding author
Mariola Stefanicka   

Politechnika Wrocławska, Instytut Górnictwa, 50-051 Wrocław, pl. Teatralny 2
Mining Science 2010;130(Special Issue 37):255-268
In the paper a history covering years 1993–2009 of a Polish company – a producer of mineral aggregates is being described. Concurrently it is a period of transition in Polish rock-mining industry including ownership changes, decision-taking which path and method of privatization should be taken, rebuilding and modernization of machinery, implementing innovative technologies and creating new market and product qualities. Showing the example of one of many companies from the rock-mining branch some aspects of these processes have been pointed, especially connected with increasing the company's resources – deposits, machinery, property concentration, restructuring management, improving products' quality. In the paper one can find the answer how a Polish worker cooperative coped with the new reality of the market economy and how the its position and brand Łużycka Kopalnia Bazaltu “Księginki” SA w Lubaniu (Lusatian Basalt Mine “Księginki” JSC in Lubań) was created.
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