Belt diagnostics on long distance conveyors for rock mining industry
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Politechnika Wrocławska, Wydział Geoinżynierii, Górnictwa i Geologii, Instytut Górnictwa
Poltegor-Instytut, Instytut Górnictwa Odkrywkowego, Wrocław
Mining Science 2014;21(Special Issue 1):3-15
Poland is a developing country in need of many infrastructure investments that require an uninterrupted supply of raw minerals. Concentration of deposits and mines in small areas causes that local communities complain about negative effects of intensive road transport and local outbreaks of conflict occurs. They can be removed by replacing road transport by long-range conveyors supplying raw materials to conflict-free their receipt (rail ramps or raw materials warehouses). The use of long conveyor poses certain design requirements, including high reliability. Failure of one of trucks does not stop the supply. Conveyor’s stoppage due to e.g. belt damage prevents delivery of materials for a long time up to failure removal. The use of conveyors must, therefore, be associated with the use of devices preventing catastrophic failures and monitoring belt condition, so their replacement and repair were held in preventive mode rather than an emergency one. The paper describes examples of the use of conveyors in existing mines and their direct consequences. The publication contains a description of the latest developments in the diagnosis of conveyor belts, as well as their impact on the reliability of the systems and the effective distance transport. The summary of this article is to identify the extent of further research aimed at improving conveyor technology, dedicated to aggregates and mineral raw materials.
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