Changes of the concentration centers of production and consumption of sand & gravel aggregates in Poland in the first decade of 21th century
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Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN
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Krzysztof Galos   

Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN, 31-261 Kraków, ul. J. Wybickiego 7
Mining Science 2012;134(Special Issue 41):55-70
The paper presents detailed geographical structure of natural sand & gravel aggregates production, on the background of development tendencies of domestic reserve base and production of such aggregates. Degree of intensification of aggregates’ mining output and production, illustrated e.g. by tonnes of mining output per km2 , was evaluated. Significance of each voivodeship as producer of the main types of such aggregates, was presented. Basic tendencies in consumption of sand & gravel aggregates in Poland, with estimation of current quantities of this demand, are also discussed. Taking into account trends in cubic volume of buildings constructed, as well as quantities of ready-mix concrete production in particular voivodeships, level of demand for sand & gravel aggregates in recent year was estimated for each voivodeship. Finally, present and future importance of interregional trade of natural crushed aggregates was characterised.
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