Comparison of Statistical versus Stochastic Models for Work Index Determination in Quartz-Marble Mixtures
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Universidad de Santiago de Chile
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Sebastian Pérez   

Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Mining Science 2021;28:127-140
The required work for ore trituration is represented by Bond Work Index value and it’s deter-mined by the grindability test for ball mills. This article examines the grinding behavior of ore blends with different mechanical properties in standard ball mills. The goal of this research was to compare a statistic and stochastic models of the Work Index value for mixtures of quartz and marble at different proportions of each material. Quartz and marble bearing rocks were selected for this study due to the high difference be-tween the Work Index value of each material, making the variability of the results more evident. Work In-dexes values obtained for each mixture are shown, from which a deterministic model was proposed defined by the regression of the data. The novelty of this research lies in the non-linear model, which was the best fit for the Work Index value of the quartz-marble blends. Our methodology allows to build more accurate models and can be used for quartz-marble blends and other materials.
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