High-pressure grinding rolls in mineral resources processing
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Instytut Ceramiki i Materiałów Budowlanych, Oddział SiMB w Krakowie
AGH, Katedra Przeróbki Kopalin i Ochrony Środowiska
Mining Science 2010;130(Special Issue 37):191-200
High-pressure grinding roll presses are nowadays the most efficient comminuting devices from the point of view the process energy-consuming. The application of HPGRs into industrial cushing circuits generally results in reduction of energy costs and improving of the comminution effects (finer grinding, more efficient liberation of useful minerals). World leaders in ore processing technology head towards the application of HPGR technology in comminution circuits. Benefits of such approach are noticeable from technological and economic point of view. Authors in the article present selected technical aspect concerning the HPGR performance as well as chosen practical issues of industrial application of the roller presses.
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