Recycling services valuation of mineral waste processing in mobile crushing units
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Politechnika Wrocławska, Instytut Górnictwa
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Jerzy Malewski   

Politechnika Wrocławska, Instytut Górnictwa, 50-051 Wrocław, pl. Teatralny 2
Mining Science 2011;132(Special Issue 39):183-198
Recycling systems are the small mobile aggregates used for crushing and screening mineral waste produced in mining or engineering processes. This machinery commonly used to operating small mineral sources, but sometimes applied also as complementary subsystems of the greater industrial processing units. In any case such technology can be offered to mineral business as commercial product of services. Detailed analysis of capacity and running costs of recycling systems consist of loader, trucks and mobile crushing unit is discussed in the paper. In results, some spreadsheet calculation are performed for illustrating of the efficiency prediction of analyzed circuits.
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