The natural elements of the deposit classification method in Nature 2000 sites - KZN2000/mAHP
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Okręgowy Urząd Górniczy we Wrocławiu
Mining Science 2012;134(Special Issue 41):241-251
Suitable opinion of threats connected with the realization of the definite kinds of activities is one of the more difficult problems which high developed societies have to be solved. The opencast mining activity is the example of the difficult compromise led in the conditions of Nature 2000 sites. Within the PhD's project, investigations hugging national supplied documentary evidence mineral deposits, that exploitation can affect on Nature 2000 sites were conducted. The results of conducted investigative works, were the study of the scientific method for the opencast mining, as the useful instrument to the opinion of the mining possibility in the regime of Nature 2000 sites. The present article brings closer the natural elements of the KZN2000/mAHP method.
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