Double-frequency screen aimed at chalcedonit screening
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Politechnika Łódzka
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Piotr Wodziński   

Politechnika Łódzka, W-10, K-101, 90-924 Łódź, ul. Wólczańska 175
Mining Science 2010;130(Special Issue 37):171-181
The present study demonstrates the results of the research programme carried out at the Department of Process Equipment, Technical University of Łódź, and concerns double-frequency screens. On the basis of the research results the design assumptions of the industrial machine aimed at fine-grained screening have been elaborated. It is widely known that the shape of trajectory in the oscillating motion of the screen has a relevant meaning for obtaining of the best processing properties of the machine. Therefore, the trajectories of oscillating motion, which will lead to the intensive segregation of the grain layer moving on the sieve, have been searched for a long time. Seemingly, it is possible to obtain a double-frequency screen. Two rotational vibrators of the same or different static moments are applied for the drive of such a screen. As the name indicates, it is a screen which is characterised by two different rotational speeds of those drive vibrators.
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