Forecasts of St belts core condition changes based on belt sections working time and the conveyor length
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Wydział Geoinżynierii, Górnictwa i Geologii, Politechnika Wrocławska
PGE GiEK SA Oddział KWB Turów
Laboratorium Romana Martyny (LRM-NDE)
Mining Science 2014;21(Special Issue 2):5-14
The paper presents the first results of steel cord condition diagnosis of conveyor belts according to working time of belt sections and the length of the conveyor. Steel cord condition of belt loops were investigated by 2 magnetic scanners: HRDS (modified EyeQ system) and the LRM scanner developed by servicing firm. In the first case the belts in one of lignite mines were examined, and in the second case the belt loop in one of hard coal mines. Number of damages per 1 meter of belts were investigated. The regression curves for the rate of cord damages over time were selected. Given the demonstrated impact of the length of the conveyor length onto the accumulated energy within one belt loop cycle around conveyor (prof. T.Żur’s belt wear model) the effect of these factors on the rate of belt damages increase a special 2 variables non-linear regression function was chosen. These are the first quantitative results of such research in Poland. The belief that over time the rate of appearance of defects increases was proven and may allow on forecasts of belt replacements time.
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