New theoretical method for establishing indentation rolling resistance
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Politechnika Wrocławska
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Martyna Konieczna-Fuławka   

Politechnika Wrocławska
Mining Science 2023;30:99-111
Theoretical analysis indicates an underestimation of the calculated values of resistance of conveyor belts in relation to the measurement results. Disproportions are observed for large mass capacities of conveyors. In this paper previous method for calculations of indentation rolling resistance was improved. The most important impact on rolling resistance have damping factor of belt. This parameter was included in calculations in the new approach, moreover, a defined way of its determination in laboratory conditions was indicated. Another important parameter is the modulus of elasticity affecting the transverse rigidity of the belt. By analyzing elastic energy in bottom cover and cord of the belt new equations (which included construction and belt type) were established. In addition, the impact of the distribution of the loads along the idler on the rolling resistance value was analyzed. On this basis different equations for calculations of center and side idler was proposed. New theoretical model was verified in both laboratory test and in-situ measurements. A series of tests of rolling resistance and damping properties were carried out for belts of various parameters. Damping factors and modules of elasticity established in laboratory conditions were applied to new calculations algorithms. Obtained results were compared with measured values. Final verification of the model was a comparison of calculated resistance with measured values for conveyor in mine. The obtained results have much higher convergence than the previous calculations. The new calculations allows for more accurate dimensioning of the drive and other elements of the belt conveyor.
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