Laboratory Tests on e-pellets effectiveness for ore tracking
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Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
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Witold Kawalec   

Wroclaw University of Science ond Technology, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland
Mining Science 2018;25:7-18
Assigning transported material with a supplementary information is becoming relevant for the needs of improving the efficiency of industrial processes. In the mining industry annotating the mined ore could bring benefits due to expected decrease of the processing energy consumption and increase of productivity. DISIRE project was focused on the implementation of e-pellets for various raw material processing and transportation processes. The paper presents laboratory tests of alternative RFID equipment for annotating ore with marked tags. Several aspects of tags traceability were investigated for the needs of the industrial tests that were eventually done in the underground mine environment. The laboratory tests results were compared with the similar tests described in the literature, that were done in the different conditions.
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