AGH University of Science and Technology
Autor do korespondencji
Dominika Makowska   

AGH University of Science and Technology, Mickiewicza 30, 30-050 Krakow, Poland
Mining Science 2015;22(Special Issue 2):79-92
In the architecture of Krakow we can find many stones which were quarried mostly from deposits situated not far from the town. They gave a unique image of present, visible elements in the architecture. Many artists used a marble as the building and decorative stone, in sculptures and sepulchral art. Since XIVth century one of the most popular types of stone, which have been applied in the architecture of Krakow, is the Dębnik “marble”. After polishing, it has a deep black colour and, together with Paczółtowice “marble” has been given the fantastic complement of decorative elements in the monuments. In the Krakow we can find a lot of places where both “marbles” have been applied as a decorative elements in the architecture. These stones were forming the cultural heritage of Cracow. Usually they are used in sacred architecture. Dębnik and Paczółtowice “marbles” have been applied in many places, for example at the St Mary's Church and at the Wawel Cathedral, as well at Collegium Maius, St Adalbert’s Church in Market Square or at St Peter and Paul’ Church.
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