Performance Evaluation to Measure Production Equipment Effectiveness in Block Cutting Machine (Gang Saw)
Suleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Engineering, Mining Engineering Department
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Suleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Engineering, Mining Engineering Department
Mining Science 2023;30:157-169
The demand for natural stone is increasing with the construction development in Turkey. In natural stone quarries, frame saws and circular saw machines are preferred for block production. Frame saw machine is also known as gang saw and it is the most commonly used for slab production in stone cutting factories. Therefore, gang saw machine selection is the most significant factor in the number of slabs, size of slabs, production time, and cost. Also, cutting machine performance is important because it can increase productivity and quality while reducing costs. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a crucial technique for measurement of the performance, availability, and quality of the machine. Production Equipment Effectiveness (PEE) is a method of losses owing to downtime, reduced speed, and quality. However, there is no study in the literature on how to use effectiveness for stone cutting machines such as gang saw machines, circular saw machines, bridge plate cutting machines, bridge plate polishing machines, etc. In this study, gang saw machines have been carried out by evaluating both OEE and PEE. It determines the time losses. The procedure of estimation of OEE and PEE of gang saw machines has been presented via 23 blocks for every machine. As a result, OEE values have been calculated as 80% and PEE values have been calculated as 90%. This situation shows that this factory uses the equipment effectively and slabs are quality for sale.
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